Your Brand’s Story Is Already Written

honest kmart

What happens when the story is already written? I got to thinking about this reading an interesting piece suggesting that no matter what really happened, the debate story was already written. Not getting political, talking about pre-conceived notions. As perception […]

When Company Failures Become Public (Relations) Problems

Why are “lack of public relations” scandals and failures called PR problems? Spoiler alert: Rant ahead. This op-ed in USA Today on the latest Penn State woes prompted this rant, in part because of headlines calling the situation and Barron’s letter […]

At the Movies: Business, Doing it Wrong

I’ll interrupt my normal content about how how communications is what drives successful business, PR more than sales and marketing, with a long overdue blog post, to rant about how Hollywood does and doesn’t get business vis a vis the movies. […]

When a Sale isn’t a Sale

BTW: this type of mini-post used to go to my G+ but as rumor has it, Google+ is not long for this world. Value. Bang for the buck. Sale. Bargain. Business buzzwords and what customers are wanting as they make their buying […]