Good Business: All it takes is a little Communication

A little communication can do a lot. Effective Communications is the HOW TO: Human Resources recruits, trains, hires and fires top talent via communications. It’s how employee relations creates brand advocates. It’s how teams work together to develop products and […]

Everything Ends. Is Your Business Ready For It?


Everything ends. There’s a time and place for everything, then that changes. The beginning of the end. Again. Creative destruction. Progress. AI and automation taking jobs or closing businesses. Call it what you will, but unless you make a profit […]

Why “Bring Me Solutions” Policies are Bad Business

“Bring me solutions” policies are bad for business and should be retired. It’s unrealistic, manipulative, lazy.  Humans have problems. Customers do, companies do, computers do. Employees and stakeholders need proactive leadership, not reactionary order takers. Employees lack authority and resources. Problems […]