My general approach to Follow Friday goes something like this:
- Don’t suck at it. Unless you’re into that sort of thing.
- Skip the usual suspects from the likes of public relations, social media and marketing. NTTAWWT, but there’s something to be said for fighting sameness and shaking things up a bit.
- Show some gratitude and support for some of the best commenters on the Internets, MY commenters. I’m biased, these peeps rock. Deal.
All too easy. (Hope the Schwartz was with you Wednesday.)
Bill Dorman. Full-time insurance guy, part-time Marcus Sheridan impersonator. He pretends to be a basic, invisible blogger but I see right through that malarkey. His comments bring hilarity to any post, of the LMAO variety. Don’t believe me, just ask him.
Jayme Soulati. I said ‘usual’ suspects and she’s anything but that, and I so do NOT believe I haven’t picked her before. Woman on a mission, she’s launched the SMB Collective AND has been tackling heady topics like defining PR and Influence. Plus her blog is just the right shade of Tiger purple.
Riley Harrison. He blogs about untapped potential and writes some straight up, direct comments that make me think, smile, and laugh.. that certain ‘no bullshit’ style of comment I just dig on. Plus he helped inspire this post, reminding me to show some love to my favorite commenters.
Christina Crowe. Relatively new to my blog, I so jump for joy when she drops by because hot damn her comments are as good as anything she blogs. Not surprised to see her picked by Stu, she is just the kind of person I want to comment on my blog. Plus she thinks I’m funny, and that’s just good for my ego.
These fine liars tweeters are welcome in my blog comments and Twitter stream anytime. FWIW.
Photo credit: I’d be lost without the Someecards.
I love #FF posts like this, where someone has actively thought about what makes the people their connecting with, awesome, then shares a little of that. I rarely tend to follow anyone that ends up in a list of 5 others handles and nothing else. I know Bill and Riley, so will checking out the other bloggers, thanks for the heads up
Stacey Herbert recently posted..Silence- The Breakfast Of Champions
So do I Stacey, most of the good ones I’ve seen are done this way whether it’s a group or just one follow, like Gini Dietrich picks. Really puts it in context, the reasoning behind it. Plus you get to have a little fun, I try to do themes, like just funny follows, or find some unusual suspects in my own industry. Hope you like your new follows.
Wow, Davina – thanks for the mention! Sorry I’m so late in responding! I’ve been traveling for the last week and haven’t gotten a chance to surf the Web until now. Thanks for such wonderful compliments (boy, was I not expecting this!). 🙂
And haha, I so love your witty comments! You always find a way to bring a smile to my face. 😉 Keep on rockin’ girl!
Christina Crowe recently posted..What’s Your Biggest Blogging Business Challenge
You’re most welcome Christina. I like recommending different people for FF, always mix it up and you’re just a great pick. Sure I’ll see you around.
I just found Christina’s blog recently, and am really enjoying everything she writes over there. Marcus Sheridan impersonator. hahaha!
Christian Hollingsworth recently posted..Spring Cleaning For Your Blog
Here blog is a good one, that’s for sure. That comment thread and the whole Bill posting as Marcus thing, it’s bloody hilarious.. glad you liked that. Hope you enjoy meeting some folks on Twitter, glad you stopped by Christian.
A nice round up of posts, this will keep me busy for the next few hours reading over some new group of people including yourself, thanks for sharing 🙂
Dan Lew recently posted..Keyword Winner 24 – Country Specific Search PageRank
You’re welcome, good people to follow and blogs to read, thanks.
Uh oh, I didn’t even make it to the bottom of the page to comment and I see I even omitted words too………..yikes; of all things I have lost it is my mind I miss the most.
Thanks much ma’am.
Bill Dorman recently posted..Well- that was awkward…
I do it too, hijack some posts w/ comments before getting to the bottom. Think it’s part Livefyre effect, part .. just the fun of it. Anyway Bill .. enjoy all 7 of your new followers, don’t say I need gave you nothing. 😉
I want to say thank you for doing a Follow Friday that makes sense. While I am always appreciative of lists it is nice to have some content and context to use to make decisions about whether to follow or not.
Jack @ TheJackB recently posted..Blogging Tips- Build Your Community Around You
Thanks Jack.. that’s the idea, to give a little context or background as to why you should read a blog or follow on Twitter. Plus this way I get say another ‘thank you’ to those who help me with their thoughtful and often humorous comments, win-win.
You can’t unfollow now, they were just trying to be funny up there; actually I’m quite sane at times…….
Bill Dorman recently posted..Well- that was awkward…
Hey Davina,
Well gee whiz, thanks so much for mentioning me!
Riley Harrison recently posted..JUST WHO THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU ARE
You’re welcome.. I’ve enjoyed your comments, look forward to seeing more around the blogs.
Love the ‘Marcus Sheridan Impersonator’ line Davina. Dang Bill tricked a bunch of people on that one, freaking hilarious!!
Great list here. Christina is such a passionate person and her and I have been friends in the blogosphere for quite some time now. And I’ve recently met Riley and Jayme as well.
You’re always a smile Davina, thanks for promoting others like you do!
Marcus Sheridan-The Sales Lion recently posted..Massive Blog Growth- Do You Really Have the Time it Takes
Your blog was where I first noticed Christina, then Lori’s IIRC. She puts some real thought in her posts, doesn’t hold back the good stuff for her own blog and I totally respect that. Jayme does it too sometimes.. and she promotes others, always giving credit to her inspirations, highlighting guest posters and smart comments on her own blog. Riley isn’t on Twitter that much, but I do like to see him comments. And Bill… so glad you caught that.. I think him hilarious too. Have a good weekend Marcus, thanks.
I am the sales lion……..
Bill Dorman recently posted..Well- that was awkward…
Hey Davina!
I’m looking forward to checking a couple of these folks out that I haven’t had the pleasure of meeting yet – thank you for sharing them 🙂
I’ve been hearing some crazy things about that Bill guy, are you sure he’s safe to connect with??? – LOL!
Have a wonderful weekend Davina!
Mark Harai recently posted..Don’t Get it Twisted- Blogging Success is Not Based on Traffic and Subscribers Alone
Thanks Mark, always nice to make some introductions.. plus thank some folks who’ve been kind enough to share their comments with me. As to Bill.. there are no guarantees, exchanges or refunds, please double check the warranty before proceeding. 😉
Just make your shots are up to date………….just sayin’…………
I think I’m getting some love here; I can’t tell, I am a sensitive guy.
If I can put a smile on your face, then it’s a good day for me.
I do appreciate you letting me in your house and I certainly appreciate your support.
And if Jayme dated anyone named Herr Dorman, Dorfman, Doofman, etc; they all had to be extremely cool dudes.
Good to see you Ms D; hope you have a great weekend.
Bill Dorman recently posted..Well- that was awkward…
Ha! Consider all your comment bombs “LOL” buttoned. 😉 Glad you liked this Bill, just having a little fun.
Hey Davina,
I do know Bill, Riley and Christina, but not Jayme. (But will remedy that)
You said it about Bill – I call him Mr. Life of the Party.
Riley and I keep bumping into one another in the Blogosphere. I think it’s a race to see who will pick out exactly that same line first LOL (He’ll know what I mean!)
Christina is someone I’ve recently met and I LIKE her! (Hey! That says a lot – I don’t just like everyone!)
And you, Davina! I’m looking forward to your Guest Post on Monday!
Have a great weekend!
Lori Gosselin recently posted..Are You a Hugger
Thanks Lori. It’s funny when and where and how we bump into folks. I’ve read some of Riley’s posts but totally like some comments I’ve seen him share; same with Christina as she’s one of those who really puts in the time and thought into what she shares. Bill’s a character, gotta have one of those in the mix. Jayme is a good one, gets it and does support the community; and it’s afraid to shake things up either… it’s a treat to introduce you to someone new. 🙂
Hi, Lori!! I am a hugger…!
Jayme Soulati recently posted..Do You F!@-n Jam
Nice to meet you Jayme! I’m on the tear this afternoon – trying to keep my Reader CLOSED to get some other things done but I’ve added your blog to it!
I’m not a hugger, well, that’s the short version! 😮 But I’m still a warm person! Right Davina!!! Bill? Riley???
Lori Gosselin recently posted..Are You a Hugger
You two have fun. Think maybe you’ll like the SMB Collective Lori.. good stuff for developing businesses. A few months ago I even did a little whine on the busy work week, what with Reader distractions and all. 😉
Mr Excitement…………
Bill Dorman recently posted..Well- that was awkward…
Oh, for Pete’s sake; that’s Bill Dorman; I dated a Bill Dorfman once and we broke up. And, I may as well catch my other typo; there, how’s that…I was too flummoxed with my own acronym to edit.
Hi, Bill; uhh, sorry, Bill!
Jayme Soulati recently posted..Do You F!@-n Jam
Heeeeee… still guessing on the .. “Okay, I’m Stumped” is that it?
You can call me Ray and you can call me Jay; just don’t call me late for dinner….:)
Bill Dorman recently posted..Well- that was awkward…
OKI’MS…there’s how’s that for frackin’ acronyms? I actually believe that one in the first few lines is make believe; is a typo b/c I’m a Scrabble player and the only abbreviations we allow are chemical symbols, you know, like Ng. (Care to know what I said…”OK, I’m speechless.”)
But b/c it’s cool to mix fun in the sun and Bill Dorfman likes your floppy hat, BTW, with ‘raderie, I bow to you for being the queen of comments; me? I’m just your knave, begging for forgiveness that I’m not here more and promising Queen D I will be.
Thank you, thank you for including me in this fine trio y quartet.
<3 @Soulati = j'mois
Jayme Soulati recently posted..Do You F!@-n Jam
Heh. You stumped me with your acronym Jayme. Not a clue.. mine is Googleable: not that there’s anything wrong with that. 😉 No forgiveness needed my dear.. you were one of my first regular commenters, really kept me going in the dark days when the comment section was a chorus for crickets. Thanks.
Girl. You blind as a bat? I gave my answer plain as day right in my parentheses!
OK, I’m speechless…see, even when I tell you what I’m saying you can’t figure it out!
Jayme Soulati recently posted..Do You F!@-n Jam
My bad. I plead temporary batness.