Warning: If you keep reading you will be subjected to the horror of my voice and face, live and in living color.
“That Blogging Voice” was one of the first posts I read by Jayme Soulati. It’s sparked a number of good ideas and started good friendship.
On Twitter a couple weeks ago, Jayme wondered if I had a Georgia Twang. I replied that I don’t even have a decent Southern drawl (BTW born in New Orleans, Geaux Tigers!). Part of our conversation was around Skype, chatting in real life to put a voice with a gravatar.
What’s in a Voice?
I named Kate Spiers to one of my Follow Friday lists, joking about the accent, speculating about her voice before really thinking about it.
I liked the PRapalooza podcast because I loved hearing Shonali Burke, Danny Brown and Gini Dietrich talk shop. So much more than just facts. I loved hearing their personalities, expressions, accents. You get a better sense of the people when you hear them.
Enjoyed the “Twitter Snobs” chat with Mitch Joel and Mark W. Schaefer. Both surprised me, why I don’t know. Maybe I expected them to be more confrontational arguing their positions, didn’t figure they’d have so much fun with it, or thought their voices didn’t “match” their pictures. But that’s the point. httpv://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X2SH_6X-hlc
Connecting. For real.
One reason I think Gary Vaynerchuk has connected is his voice; you hear his passion, in his less rehearsed and unedited style. Via his videos on wine and social media marketing, he’s approachable and human. Real.
The person. Their words and their voice.
So in lieu of my usually funny graphic, may I present the most terrifying YouTube video ever made. Don’t say I didn’t warn you.
So THAT’s what you sound like! Somehow I pictured you wearing a hat. Do you wear hats?
Shonali Burke recently posted..How To Become A Public Relations Star
Heh. No hats really, not a good look for me. I wear ball caps when out in the sun like at Disney, the beach, or Braves games. Otherwise, not a hat person; I just liked the idiom. 🙂
Anyway I don’t THINK I sound like that, but I guess I do. So now you know.
Hi Davina! It’s nice to hear your voice!
I on the other hand will resist doing video as long as I can. I have an extremely dorky voice!
Jenn Whinnem recently posted..jennwhinnem- A great example of what not to do! RT @jonbuscall Does Your Business Understand Twitter http-bitly-hHdz9n
Jenn, I’ve never considered my voice, though I know I can sound sorta gruff and unfriendly when in a snit. As to video, well the camera is not my friend… cruel iMac webcam. I may try another video, if ever I have a good hair and makeup day. 😉
Shush you looked lovely!
Jenn Whinnem recently posted..jennwhinnem- Me @jasonbrow or me @magsstorey INTERDEPENDENT ROCK! Thanks friends!
Why thank you. As a woman, I figure it’s obligatory I hate my hair or something, right? 😉
Holy tamale, Batman! That was highly courageous, and I’m so impressed! Dang, no twang. I remember Schaefer’s first attempt at video; he was ensconced in his English garden comfy on a bench and hating every minute of it.
Not sure I’m up for the challenge; hmmm, hmmm. Love this post!
Jayme Soulati recently posted..What If There Was No Twitter
Jayme, Thanks for the love and the inspiration. I have at least one more post drafted on the concept of “voice” and how it shows who I am as a person and professional.
And I wasn’t THAT brave, I made sure I had on some makeup and a flattering color. Alas no twang, and I speak very quickly for a Southern girl. 😉 Appreciate the feedback, thanks.
Ensconced in my English garden? I’ll take a case of whatever you’re drink in Jayme! : )
With a case, there will be plenty to share. So long as I’m invited.
Jon Buscall recently wrote about this topic too and used an example of how effective podcasts can be for business. This seems so simple but it was a revelation to me. I have tried to make an effort since then to try to do more audio/video but I’m still learning!
I’m sure my voice did not match my picture because you were expecting something much older, right? : )
Thanks for the excellent post Davina.
Mark, I’ll check out Jon’s post for sure, thanks for mentioning it. I too am still learning what works, and why.. part of the fun. I’m shy, have a behind-the-camera face and yet I keep thinking about the real” me and my voice. More than case studies and white papers, this blog IS my voice so I thought I’d try something different.
As to your voice, well of course I was expecting something smooth and silky, full of sexy smarts. 😉