Smart Marketing 101: Being helpful wins business

I’ve had a busy week of personal and technical difficulties, and just gotta single out a few folks. Sort of. Real Mac Software is a smart company, and has a great community in place to offer suggestions, develop companion products. […]

Five to Follow Friday: Challenge Yourself

Another Friday, another day to recommend folks to follow on Twitter. I try and take the time to THINK about who and why I recommend people. It goes back to my first Five to Follow Friday Challenge. If someone is […]

Rant Alert: Dear Dry Cleaners, Suck Less Dammit!

I rarely use my professional blog for a personal story or diatribe, but when something crosses over to my world of marketing and public relations, it’s fair game. Long story short: a local dry cleaner (misnamed “Dependable Cleaners” of Smyrna, […]

Confessions of a Timeshifter: Making It Work

I typed this while watching TV on Hulu. Maybe it was Castle, 24 or old episodes of whatever. I am also: On Twitter via TweetDeck and Echofon. Checking email. Reading and posting on lots blogs, using my Google reader. And […]

Think Global, Pitch Local Atlanta

Public Relations delivers great value for business, whether it’s managing a crisis or building stronger relationships. For a small business that cannot afford expensive advertising and promotional campaigns, public relations–smart PR, that is–can make a big difference. Thanks to the […]