You’ve come a long way baby. Or Not.

Gini Dietrich just did a wonderful post on women and equality in the workplace. All about how both genders need to step up to the professionalism, close those gaps. Then there’s this. The Crime: Summer’s Eve tells women the way […]

It’s not rocket surgery, it’s marketing. Simple.

“A common mistake people make when trying to design something completely foolproof is to underestimate the ingenuity of complete fools.” I tweeted that Douglas Adams quote again today, always one of my favorites. Simplicity is anything but simple. It’s hard to […]

@OldSpice, Why does women’s advertising suck?

There have already been tons of articles written about last week’s Old Spice YouTube-palooza, so I’m going to try to take this back to small business marketing. httpv:// Yes the Old Spice social media and advertising campaign was about engagement and […]

Pimp Your Business, Atlanta

If imitation isn’t the highest form of flattery, maybe stealing is. Danny Brown has been giving people a chance to pimp their blogs on his own site. Gini Dietrich liked this so much she “acquired” the idea herself, though she […]