You don’t want a cheap website. Trust me.

Driving out of my local grocery store, I saw a promotional sign: Websites starting at $99. Please, please don’t. Why not? A ‘cheap’ website is a waste of money. 1) It won’t be 100 bucks. 2) Your website is your […]

Social Media: Wave of the Now?

There are lots of books and about a triagazillion blog posts on the subject of social media, hyping its ‘revolutionary’ and ‘immediate’ aspects as they call for the death of Web 2.0 or the beginning of PR 3.4 or the […]

Angel’s in the Details

Deadline time and since I don’t want to wade through my pile of drafts, I figured it was time to look a closer look at an old post and see if I’ve learned anything. It’s the Little Things A few […]

Numerical Blindness

Whenever anyone says that a business or brand MUST do social media, I cringe, I wince, I reach for a cocktail. Then I shake my head and think.. follow the money. Numbers, meet Perspective: YouTube has millions of people who like […]

Stuck in a marketing rut? Think Dirty

(Figured I’d ease back into things after the holiday.) There’s a brand of potato chips I like that goes beyond the ‘traditional’ flavors. Sure they have the standards like Sour Cream and Onion, but “Dirty” Brand chips have decided to […]