Follow Friday: Happy to Share Edition

I really try to follow a mix of people and don’t expect everyone to do things my way, according to my Twitter rules. (Though of course they should.)

I’m lucky to be building a diverse group of friends who read, engage and share in their own ways. 

John Falchetto, blogs from the south of France living my dream life (so I of course secretly hate him) and enjoying regular diet of bread, cheese, and wine, naps and 2-hour lunches, what I’d imagine France to be. He’s blogging some social media marketing and brings expat consulting to the table, big on relationships, supporting his Tribe and more.

Amanda Oleson blog reader, she gives good RTs, sass and snark after my own heart. She uses her Twitter for the CommentLuv, to share since she’s not linking her own blog. (I wonder if she likes to guest post? *cough* unsubtlehint *cough*)  Twin Cities PR pro, Vikings fan and vodka drinker.

Brian Meeks, the well above average. You’ve probably seen his dreck and drivel masquerading as hilariously good posts on Fake Hashtags and Silly Acronyms, mocking follow back, egghead Twitter miscreants and Bieber fans. Been lucky enough to post some myself, just don’t believe him when he promises you bacon.

If you’re not following any of these folks, check out their streams and see if you like what you see. FWIW.

Photo credit: Cute Pink Sheep cartoon.

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24 thoughts on “Follow Friday: Happy to Share Edition

  1. No lurking allowed, you gotta jump right in………..:). I know James Bond….er, uh the international man of intrigue Falchetto and unextremely average Brian. I leave my trash at their place often and they haven’t kicked me out yet. And if Amanda is Gini’s ‘naughty’ word BFF then of course I will absolutely have to go by there. Naughty is my keyword……….:).

    Have you picked out anybody today we need to pay a visit to?

    Hope your day is well.
    Bill Dorman recently posted..Hey, I’ve been thrown out…

      1. Hey, I’m once a week whether I need to or not; that’s the only way I can get double digit responses and I told my mother she can only comment once……….and not use her real name………..I’m not going around w/ that big ‘L’ on my forehead…..
        Bill Dorman recently posted..Hey, I’ve been thrown out…

    1. Always fun to chat with our friends.. and make new one, just hope Amanda is ready for her ‘naughty’ friends. Hadn’t tagged anyone yet.. maybe after the weekend, you have a good one Bill.

  2. Okay, now that it’s Friday, I can formally comment. 🙂

    Good list. Big fan of John Falchetto, though he doesn’t know it. I’ve been lurking at Expat for awhile, but just left my first comment. I had a nice exchange with Brian at Shonali’s place sometime back and need to make it over to his site. Based on your rec, I’ll have to add Amanda to a list so I can see her tweets.

    Have a great Friday Davina!
    Adam Toporek recently posted..My New Comment Policy: What Do You Think?

    1. Oh snerk. I used to lurk a while before I commented.. now pretty comfortable sharing my thoughts. Glad to make some new introductions.. always the real treat of #FF. Thanks.

  3. I KNEW it was wine, cheese, bread and two hour naps! Falchetto! Clean out the guest room! I’m moving in!

    I freaking love Amanda and Brian, too! Amanda is my “naughty” word BFF and Brian, well, there aren’t many who can write like him. Great choices…even though it’s Thursday.
    Gini Dietrich recently posted..Content Development for B2B Companies

    1. I know Gini, I can’t read a calendar. Every once in a while, I’ll cheat and publish this late Thursday… just a little head start for the weekend. And if “Falchetto” – love that you address him by his last name – has a guest room, you just might have to share. 😉

    1. Marianne – If you have chains like Smoothie King, think a few of our Publix have them in the delis, along with a few deli/bakery cafes. I don’t see them that often, so when I do I have to buy the chips. Think you’ll link Amanda, she’s got a good style and finds interesting things to share.

    1. Let me enjoy my romantic notions will ya? 😉 You’re very welcome for the shout-out John… it’s well earned. You’ve brought your own strong voice to the community, not afraid to speak your mind and you engage with others, I like that kinda thing.

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