Inspiring this blog post is Augie Ray of social media and Forrester fame, who tweeted this gem today:
The latest numbers show most people give Twitter a 10-tweet tryout and give up. Augie wanted to know why people quit on Twitter.
He got a few interesting responses including:
- @dan_larkin “There’s no “getting started” assistance. A host service looking for those people and engaging with them would fit the medium.”
- @digital_chuck “Lack of engagement. First time users give up before they learn how to follow and engage with people who have common interests.”
- @geoff_bilbrough “no patience”
- @triveraguy “I doubt that it differs from the typical adoption rate for trying ANYTHING new. Twitter is just measurable & more in the spotlight”
Twitter is not for Quitters
I am not telling you how to Twitter and am all for finding your own way. That typed, 5-minutes a day and 10 tweets isn’t engaging. It is drive-by shotgun marketing, just shooting farts into the wind.
Would Coke run five commercials and stop? Would Apple try only one iPod and never make changes? Of course not; you have to try, try and try again. Find what works, make it your own.
My response, which he retweeted (and thanks for that Augie): “Didn’t realize Twitter was work. Like anything- you get back what you put in, SM takes investment of time and commitment.”
Tough sell: Social Media is Work.
Just this morning I read a post about a blogger who put the time and work in to blogging and tweeting, and as a result is working for P&G at the Olympics. While others consider Twitter a time suck, she invested that time and energy and it paid off for her and her business.
Social media is job and for any kind of connection or business success, networking is essential. Twitter can be a powerful and effective tool, if you commit to it.
Don’t get me wrong, I know we in social media, PR and marketing take ourselves (and our blogs and tweets) too seriously at times. I know so many folks with “real” jobs that don’t involve any SM, or even online presence and just roll their eyes when I mention Twitter. (I know more people NOT on Facebook than on, just say typing.)
Twitter is not for everyone. If you want Twitter to work for you, you gotta work at Twitter.
The point of this Code Yellow rant is simple: Twitter is Work.
Ah, the “Best-of” blog post…
YES, though, I agree 1000% that Twitter is work. Business Development work. And it could be somewhat social, too. That’s okay. It is social media. Right?
Here’s to seeing each other on Twitter often in 2011!
Dave Van de Walle recently posted..New Starbucks Logo- and Our Proposal
Hee. You know Dave, in the past few days I’ve read a few more “best of” post from the likes of Jay Baer, etc. It’s interesting to see which of the posts I had read and/or shared, which I missed. The “Twitter is WORK” is one of my big things. Not like you can run 5 TV spots and just expect the lines to be out the door, unless you’re Apple. So like your direct mail or any other marketing, you have to put something into it before you will get something back. And being somewhat social is also fun, for me at least. 😉 Wishes for a good 2011, thanks!
Nice blog post. Like your blogger who put in the time tweeting and blogging and is now working for P&G, I spent a lot of time blogging and tweeting over the course of a couple of years, and that helped me land my new job at Forrester. It was HARD work–I estimate I spent 3000 hours in two years–but it was a passion and the value I got back (aside from a new job) was substantial–information, knowledge, connections, and friends. You don’t get that with 10 tweets and an abandoned Twitter account!
Augie, ITA about the value of social networking. I’ve learned so much by being more connected, using tools like Twitter to develop and build relationships.
It’s an investment in myself and my business and the payoff has been worth all of the work and effort.
Thanks for reading, sharing your comments!