Give up already. Marketing Perfection, Thy Name is Illusion

That is right: Perfect is a myth, frankly total bullshit.

Nothing is perfect, not your dream TV couple, not the fine steak paired with an excellent Bordeaux, not your latest blog post or marketing campaign, and certainly not your business.

Perfection is beauty, it’s all in the eye of the beholder, the reader, the user and ultimately, the paying customer.

Time to let go

Been working on a business card update for nigh unto forever. Cannot settle on a design because I always do better for others, over-thinking it like it’s rocket surgery. I can’t make a decision because I always think the better idea will come to me.

It hasn’t, and since the worst decision is often doing nothing, my latest update is headed to the printer.

Get it done already

You have a great idea and an amazing team. Why are you waiting? So what if your business plan isn’t “perfect” foolproof; nothing is. You learn by mistakes.

Don’t wait, launch now, DONE is better. Get to market early, and pay attention. Flexibility and adaptability give you speed an agility, great assets for small business. Focus on what works, fix what doesn’t.

First impressions still count

Don’t let the rush to market leave you unprepared. Do your homework, have a plan. If my business card wasn’t spell checked or left off my website address, I’d look like a bad designer and communicator.

Believe in your product and service, amaze your customers from the start with that great first impression.

Worrying about your website? You should as it’s often the first place people meet you, but you can’t let that intimidate you. Start with the basics.

  • Content: Focus on what matters most: The Ws. Make that FRONT page and blog the best outfit you can, then worry about the right accessories like special effects. If you only have a good home page, a blog, and of course the contact page, go ahead and get it online. Now.
  • Design. Maybe you start with one WordPress theme, then find a better one. Change it (it’s relatively free). Modify it to maintain a color scheme, font consistency but make the improvements. Show your customers that you’re always making things better.. for them.
  • Strategy. You have to plan, tackle that pesky SEO, make sure all the referring links from your social media sites and business directories work and that Google can find you. Find a pro, use an optimizer, install a plugin. Get it done.

What has held you and your small business back? The strive for perfection. Give up.

Stop waiting, start doing.

Photo credit: Despair makes awesome posters and calendars. You can buy them.

Atlanta Public Relations, Marketing and Social Media

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2 thoughts on “Give up already. Marketing Perfection, Thy Name is Illusion

  1. My latest blog post is perfect thank you very much. You are so full of poop.

    (There now you are an official blogger.)

    A very informative post with good tips. There is no such thing as perfection.

    1. Wow Rose, it’s official. I’m a blogger! So nice to have met you via the #sbt10 chat tonight.

      Nothing is perfect, except maybe that winning lottery ticket that eludes me so. This started as the “perfect” short brilliant post.. then bloated on me.

      Thanks for reading, posting your comments!

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