Automation: Faking It the Twitter Way

I’m as sick of some of the so-called “rules of engagement” when it comes to social media tools like Twitter as the next person, but let’s get real. You call tech support, customer service, hell anyone.. what do you want […]

Hey Stranger: Why I am not LinkedIn with You

I don’t know you. You have to set your social media boundaries, and when it comes to my professional reputation I mean business. I don’t know this user. I do not click that button; I think LI needs a better […]

Five to Follow Friday: Challenge Yourself

Another Friday, another day to recommend folks to follow on Twitter. I try and take the time to THINK about who and why I recommend people. It goes back to my first Five to Follow Friday Challenge. If someone is […]

Twitter is Work, Damnit!

Inspiring this blog post is Augie Ray of social media and Forrester fame, who tweeted this gem today: The latest numbers show most people give Twitter a 10-tweet tryout and give up. Augie wanted to know why people quit on […]