Pimp Your Business, Atlanta

If imitation isn’t the highest form of flattery, maybe stealing is. Danny Brown has been giving people a chance to pimp their blogs on his own site. Gini Dietrich liked this so much she “acquired” the idea herself, though she […]

Three Ways To Get New clients (or not)

I’m evil with my SEO bait, RSS friendly headline. Really these are the three easiest ways to spot the tire kickers and looky-loos. 1. Tell ’em it costs money. Easiest way to scare away new business. When you get the […]

Emergency Apple iPad Post (DAMNIT!)

Okay, this is probably only a code Yellow, maybe a nice Sunset but not a full-on Orange Alert. (Yes I am going to make you read my last blog post to get the “joke.”) Apple announced its “poorly” named iPad […]