Everyone Hurts. Together, Maybe We Can Heal.

Hurt. Everyone Hurts. Everyone has a THING.

Yes, This is THAT Kind of Post

This is me, typing out loud. A post almost no one will read. Hearing both R.E.M.’s Everybody Hurts and Pearl Jam’s The End in my head.

This week we lost two successful, seem to ‘have it all’ – IDK what to type, ‘celebrity’ seems trite – people. PEOPLE. Kate Spade and Anthony Bourdain. Humans. Hurting.

Don’t own any Kate Spade merch .. though been tempted when it’s a TJ Maxx kind of deal.

I did feel a connection to Tony Bourdain, from watching his shows [LOL the clip about ‘some guys watch porn, he watches guys cooking meat.. IIRC Puerto Rico?] and reading his books. Being a chef and media personality, he knew how the world worked – and as much about running a business as anyone.

Everyone Hurts. Everyone’s got something

I don’t have to imagine struggle or doubt, pain or fear, frustration or desperation – because I’ve been there. And FWIW I’m kinda ok.

Please ask for help, get help, offer help.

My F&F with diagnosed mental health issues, I see what they live with on the regular. It’s hard.

What I cannot imagine is the pain, the hurt, the helplessness that leads to taking one’s own life.

During some my own trials and tribulations, one of my BFFs was reluctant to burden me with her problems. I told her something akin to: “So what? Everyone is sick, or struggling or has BIG BAD DRAMA. Mine doesn’t overrule yours. Spill.” With more “bitch please.”

That stuck with me. I try not to discount someone’s issues, or belittle their personal struggles. Just because I make it out of bed and live my life, doesn’t mean everyone else can. {See also: missing work. I hate that HR mindset of wanting to know “why,” as if one person’s excuse is better or lesser than another’s. It’s called life, period.}

That’s really all I have. Along with links to some help organizations, and information:

We all hurt sometimes. Hopefully we can heal, together.

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